Thursday, 23 October 2014

Of Dogs And Men

It seems to me that JAKIM has the "authority" to intepret what GOD, ALLAH, YAHWEH or whatever you wish to call the Divine's, message to humankind is. That suddenly dogs are spawns of evil that will drag you down to the lowest pits of hell just by being touched by them or touching them for no reason. I mean are they stupid, of course people touch dogs for a reason, they touch them to show them that they are cared for. Dog's are one of many of the creature's created by the Divine and put on this earth. Yes they may be dirty, but its not as if soap or any other form of cleansing materials have not been invented.

To those who are against touching dogs i'm cool with that, just don't harass those who want to. I am just tired of seeing on my news feed/twitter feed people supporting but not supporting, here im referring to those who say, "Oh the event was good, but the way it was carried out was wrong". Look regardless of the way it was carried out, it was carried out, if you don't like it then that's your prerogative but when you say stupid shit like that it just makes you look like a dumbfuck. I mean we claim to want to evolve into an educated society but we still have a large majority of people who refuse to educate themselves.

If anything this whole shenanigan about the dogs and threats towards the event organizer, shows to people how retarded SOME Muslims can be. Heck it then leads to the negative perceptions of Islam from those who are not followers, as if the Islamic State hadn't already confirmed most of the negative suspicions. Islam is not an exclusive religion heck its one of the religions that actively accepts converts however in Malaysia, Islam is backed up by racial sentiments and race-based cultural practices. As such the Religion is now an exclusive mark of a "Malay" in this country.

I feel I have ranted enough, all these opinions are my own, challenge me for them if you wish but all i speak is the truth from my current viewpoint.

Peace be upon all,
Ashli Burton Bin Amir

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Of Being a Mixed Person in a Society That Idolizes Purity

I was born of an English Mother and a Malay Father, growing up I constantly was asked what my ethnicity was and due to the inculcation of the Malaysian mindset I would answer Malay. The problem here is that I am not nor will I ever be Malay, neither will I be English. I am an amalgamation of different races, religions and cultures. This has then led me to the questioning of many norms within society particularly among the Malays, the Indian and the Chinese. Within each ethnic group there are members who claim to be “purebloods” but are they really? In the History of each Ethnic group there has been an invasion per se of a foreign culture, the simplest example; in the Malay ethnic group there have been introductions of foreign cultural elements such as the Hindu culture in marriage, the introduction of Arabic culture as well as Chinese culture in the way people dress, what more the Malays for all intents and purposes are descended from the Indians, the Chinese, the Arabs. To find a pure “Malay” there is no such thing. However don’t think that they Malays are alone in this belief, even among the Chinese there are those who forget that almost the entirety of their ancestry can be traced back to Genghis Khan who was Mongolian not Chinese, The Indians don’t really suffer this sense of superiority with the exception of those who still believe in the Caste system.

            The thrust of this short article is that for a society that wants to espouse the essence of purity, the idea of their own personal purity is a fallacy. So here’s to celebrating the idea of being an amalgamation of a multitude of races, religions, creeds and cultures.

Monday, 13 October 2014

A Constructivists guide to Vlad Draculea AKA Dracula

I know this is a far cry from my normal rantings, but i feel there is a need to clear the air between what we know was fact and what is fiction...

First things first Vlad Draculea was not the the first son of Vlad Dracul of the Draculesti clan. However the way he got to become the "Impaler Prince" as people call him was due to the internal politicking and political rivalry between the Draculesti and the Danesti clans of Walachia, that is after Mircea Dracul was murdered by those loyal to the Danesti. Take further into account the fact that at the time the Christians under Hungary and the Muslims under the Ottoman empire were jostling for control over the local populace. We see a avenue for the rise of Vlad Draculea, for at the time due to the political authority the Ottomans had over Walachia ,Vlad Draculea together with his Brother Radu were both hostages in the care of Sultan Murad II. Upon the death of their brother Vlad was given the authority and duty to lead and rule Walachia at the behest of the Ottoman Turks.

Having been brought up by the Turks to a certain extent Vlad incorporated certain aspects of turkish culture in his clothing as well as demeanor. This brings us to the aspect in which he is so famously known for "execution via Impaling" just to clarify, impaling was actually a method of execution used by the Ottoman Turks on political prisoners whose mouths could not be silenced. Taking this into account we can see that Vlad learned the best way to instill fear and respect particularly among the nobles of Walachia was through the execution of those who betrayed his brother via the process of Impaling.

As a result many aspects of Vlad Draculea's notoriety was constructed by the political and social landscape in which he both grew up and administrated, while i find his methods crude, he was also a law giver and the best thing to happen to Walachia at the time.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014


There are many definitions for the word terrorism but for me, I believe that the word terrorism comes from the word terror which means to instill fear and uncertainty within the hearts of all creatures. As such an act of terrorism or terrorist act need not necessarily be one that is physical, it could be verbal or even psychological, as long as the element of fear is the main goal of said act. Thus this leads me to a list of a few organizations that i would consider Terrorist organizations.

1. Al-Qaeda
3. Jemaah Islamiah
4. Mindanao Islamic Liberation Front
5. Hamas
6. Israeli Defense Force
8. PAS
11. JAIS and all other State religious departments
12. The Catholic Church (for some)
13. The Federal Government of The United States of America
14. Democratic Action Party (DAP)
15. Parti Keadilan Rakyat

These of course are my own personal opinions, however each of the organizations mentioned above have been involved in instances where they used fear for their own personal gain.

Regards, and Mohon Butthurt
Ashli Burton Bin Amir

Sunday, 22 June 2014

The View From Across The South China Sea

As a Peninsular Malaysian studying in Sarawak, i am baffled by the ridiculousness of the current political discourse within the Peninsular that seems to be rampant with the issue of religion, particularly Islam. Studying in  Sarawak has been one of the best experiences of my life. Why? because no matter who you are, whether you are Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Bidayuh, Kelabit, Melanau or of any other ethnic group, as long as you are nice and treat people with respect then you will receive the same treatment. Here we don't argue over the mundane and ridiculous religious political issues. Rather religion is a personal concept, that only applies to a persons personal actions, there is minimal religious policing because it is a state that is awesome and possesses the most accepting people in the whole of Malaysia.

Yes there may be some political idiocy and corruption happening in the state, but what state can claim to be free from such things. However as compared to the Peninsular these political squabbles do not affect the everyday life of the common folk. Only in Sarawak will you see a Gurdwara situated in front of a Mosque, only in Sarawak can you find a Center for the Baha'i faith and only in Sarawak can you see people of different faiths openly respecting one another. If I could i would choose to be Sarawakian, for it has shown me that not all Malaysians are Racist Bigots...

Assallamualaikum, Heshalom Aleichem, Namaste, Peace Be Upon you

Ashli Burton Bin Amir

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Random Rant About Random Stuff

Greetings readers of this blog,
Let me start by warning you, what i say is my own personal opinion any insult caused is totally on the part of the reader and i bear no responsibility for the Butthurt caused.

So there is a growing concern in this country that religious sentiments are being fanned to the point of extremism, in this i agree but why is this so? its because of dumb shits like certain members of religious and raced based NGOs who feel threatened by the thought of free thought. Yet we allow these shit heads to continue spreading their ideologies and messages of idiocy to the equally dumb members of civil society who believe that just because you speak passionately about something what you are saying is the gospel truth. If that's the case Hitler must have been right about everything.

People lets start thinking for ourselves, lets not let our minds be dictated by what other people say lets not be shackled by the chains of stupidity and conformity lets change to create a more enlightened and better future, one where knowledge knows no bounds and intellectual discourse will flourish.